Framing and Sizes

About framing
All our paintings' prices include framing service, so you'll receive a ready-to-hang artwork right at your doorstep!
Large artworks come with a beautiful natural wood floater frame, custom-crafted for each piece.

Smaller artworks are sold with a charming white and wood-like frame, complete with a custom off white mat. If you want to see how they do look like, check the images in the product page. In all paintings' description you will find the size of the piece.
Remember that Small artworks including frames measure 30x30 cm (11,80x11,80 inch.).
None of the frames have glass.
For prints, framing options are displayed on the product page. Check them out here!

About sizes
I know different sizing systems can be confusing, but I'm here to help!
Here is a quick guide to the most common sizes of my paintings.